Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Cup cake pin friend

I made this handsome little chap for my friend jess's birthday. She's got a beautiful vintage sewing machine that he can watch over and keep her pins neat and tidy in his minty icing head.

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Saturday, 20 March 2010

The embodiment of evil

Another chap from creepy cute. The patterns are really quick but have clever little touches like a self closing 'magic circle' for casting on in rounds.

This guy is cthulhu, a half octopus, half dragon sea beast, intent on world destruction.

I gave him extra long mouth tentacles.

He also reminds me of a fleshy be-tentacled beast from the dr who exhibition, the Ood, although the knitted version is much cuter. Also, the BBC complained about the last poor knitter who made a homage to these chaps so best not to dwell on that...

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Sunday, 7 March 2010

Anthias turner

Just came back from an amazing week in the red sea, finishing my PADI open water scuba course with my husband. It's like going to another world underwater, bobbing around with clouds of neon fish, flying over lush corals and spotting rays and turtles and even a reef shark in and around the bays of sharm el sheikh. We flew home from 38 degree heat to minus 3 in London last night and I set about making a thank you present for our instructors and guides at camel dive club. This fine orange lady is an anthias - I've called her anthias turner. Anthias are hermaphrodites - the most dominant female in a harem group changes sex to become male and if she dies another female steps up to the mantle. Fish feminism in action. They also swim directly into the current and seemed to be doing a much better job than me at mastering the forces of the sea.