Spooky happenings over the weekend. A creature, given up for dead, emerged from the depths, drawn by the presence of its true master...
The story begins in the inhospitably cold days before Christmas. Hiding away from the un-godly weather, I turned the power of my opposable thumbs to crafting a creature of the night for my cousin Michael. He likes that sort of thing – monsters, zombies, skeleton armies etc etc. Rummaging through the endless scraps of DK I found just the right kind of knobbly ‘rotten flesh’ shade of tweedy wool and set about a pattern from
Creepy Cute Crochet.
He turned out a treat. All drooling blood and brains, wobbly cadaverous head and dragging knuckles.
I took a couple of snaps for posterity but when I went to wrap him a few days later he was nowhere to be found... We searched the house, terrified of the horrific, evil acts he could be inflicting on other knitted creations, but to no avail. It was a mystery, only explainable by a possible accidental ejection amongst the recycling.
Months later, as Spring tried desperately to break through the bleak, black Winter... Michael came round for a game of
Settlers of Catan (fun board game involving trading wheat, bricks etc to claim dominion over the island of Catan – try it sometime) and to watch
Big Man Japan (weird Japanese monster movie involving a giant Gary Glitter look-a-like pummeling various monsters including a giant potato with an telescopic eye in place of his manhood and a family of cosmic looking giants that give a mean wedgie)
Within 5 mins of his arrival, I moved a cushion to make more seating room and out crawled the zombie from the nether regions of the couch, slightly squished and looking even more decomposed but otherwise still in good fettle. Or at least as much as the living dead can ever be.
It was like Thriller all over again.